Facilitation projects…
Abby currently offers quality facilitation of workshops/courses in:
Spoken-word/performance poetry
Creative writing
She works with all ages and abilities of participants in a wide range of settings, from community centres to arts centres to schools and beyond.
For more information email: abbyospokenword(at)gmail(dot)com
“…please do keep me posted if more sessions with you come up.
I loved your approach and style - really warm, creative and engaging…”
Maura Doran - writer & poetry workshop participant, 2023
Abby recently (early 2023) facilitated a series of poetry writing workshops for the My Creative Life project, by the Creative Lives organisation.
Working with adult groups of mixed ages and experience levels, in both Derry Central Library and The Gasyard (with The Pink Ladies cancer support group), the workshops focused on themes of creativity and the personal, as well as poetry editing.
“I want to really thank you again for the workshop and the feedback…the amount of effort you put into it, which blew me away if I'm honest…[the workshops]have given me real direction in how to draw out the hidden rhymes and break the poem up so that it doesn't feel like an often impenetrable wall of noise to read. ”
(feedback from M - a participant in the My Creative Life poetry workshops, held early 2023)
Organisation: Creative Lives // Facilitator: Abby Oliveira
Poetry in Motion Schools 2022
In late 2022, Abby delivered a series of online poetry workshops for the Community Arts Partnership’s Poetry in Motion Schools project. Working with groups of year 10 pupils from St Brigid’s College and Dominican College to write poems on the project theme of Together/Apart.
Short video course produced for the Bluebell Arts Project’s open creative writing course at The Gasyard, Derry, in 2020.
Introduction to Performance Poetry - a short video course produced for Bluebell Arts Project, Derry, in 2020.
Project with Waterside Theatre/Extern in 2019, with teenage participants, encompassing workshops in drama, storytelling, circus, music, film, carnival arts and body art that culminated in the performance installation The City of Rumours.